Tag Archives: SSKZM OBA

Marching Ahead

9 Jun

Marching Ahead Promo Poster -2

Marching Ahead is a one hour Documentary on Sainik School, Kazhakootam.


If time could be rewound, the seasons reversed and the lilting sea-breeze recalled, most of us would gladly give ourselves in, to  start all over again. Marching Ahead is the revisit of a fond heart at the threshold of the daunting gates, looking forward to a new beginning as he joins Sainik School, Kazhakootam.

He is, in fact, every one of us. Continue reading

OBA Day | 21 June 2008

22 Jun
Release of Samagamam 2008 Souvenir brought by 1983 batch

Release of Samagamam 2008 Souvenir brought by 1983 batch

A message from the President, OBA SSKZM.

Dear Alumni,

I am writing this to thank the Alumni who attended the OB Day functions on 21.06.08 and making it a grand success.

The minutes of the meeting of the AGBM held and the list of new office bearers is  separately circulated. Continue reading

Dubai get together with Mr. PCN

10 Jun

Kazaks in UAE had a get together to meet PCN Sir who is on a visit to Dubai. In spite of the meeting being arranged at such a short notice and that too in the middle of a working week, it was heartening to see around 15 Old boys turnout and some of them with families. Niaz (1004/80) one of the most spirited Kazaks in UAE, came all the way driving 150 kms from Abu Dhabi for the event. Continue reading